BODY's owner, Lorrin Parish, has eaten vegan/raw food since the 1970s. She has more than 250 recipes at her fingertips and an upcoming cookbook titled Raw Holidays. "Raw foods are living foods that still have their natural biological functioning retained or restored," she says.
Thai soup kicked off our meal, with cashews and Brazil nuts, coconut, Thai lime leaves, chile, ginger, and lemon grass. Collard green burritos with rice and Brazil nuts, and jicama sushi, followed. And ultra-rich slivers of chocolate ganache made with raw, hand-ground cacao beans proved ultra-satisfying to even the most diehard chocoholics.
BODY also offers spa services, a boutique full of organic clothing, accessories, gifts, and music; a daycare facility, and a studio for yoga, dance and Nia classes; and hosts special events such as concerts, dance performances, lectures, and workshops. It's a place designed to promote and support optimal health and well-being of body, mind and spirit.