But O'Keefe valued all kinds of natural beauty and purchased her second New Mexico property about seven years later. Located only 13 miles from Ghost Ranch, her other home and studio offered totally different panoramic views. One of the earliest people to install picture windows, O'Keefe looked out on quiet mesas, mountain vistas, wide fields and spindly cacti from her simple, unadorned white bedroom, where her collected stones and bones lined the window sill.
Just as her natural surroundings shaped and inspired O'Keefe's art, her art captured the spirit of this wild and wonderful environment for generations to come.
I always enjoy your posts and wish you all the best!
thanks for posting about Ghost ranch and Coyote Cafe -- been far to long since I've been to New Mexico.
and what a fine way to celebrate your 100th post.
I wish you many more.
I definitely want to enter your drawing!
Congratulations on your blog and on all of your work!
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